WARNING The following website, including all webpages, links, images and videos, display sexually explicit material. Only consenting adults are authorized beyond this page. If you are a minor (under the age of 18 years old or 21 years old where 18 isn't the legal age of majority), if sexually explicit material offends you or if it's illegal to view such material in your community, or if you disagree with the following statements in any way, you MUST leave by clicking EXIT below. By ENTERING this site, you irrevocably agree to these statements: You are an adult in your community and are at least 18 years old (21 in those communities where required). You will not expose, or allow others to expose minors to the sexually explicit content contained on this website. You believe that sexually explicit material is not offensive or obscene, and affirm that sexually explicit material is not deemed to be obscene or illegal in the community in which you will view these materials. You further affirm that you wish to view such materials and that no other person has coerced you into doing so. You will use the material available on this website for your own personal use and will not sell, distribute, give or make available the content on this website to anyone. You will take the appropriate steps in order to make sure no minor is able to view the content available on this site. You understand that if you disagree with any of the prior statements, you are not permitted to enter this website and to view its contents. By entering this website, you acknowledge that you have read this agreement, understood it and agree to be bound by it.
xxx material warning! adults only!
Not yet assigned a final ESRB rating. Appears only in advertising, marketing and promotional materials related to a physical (e.g., boxed) video game that is expected to carry an ESRB rating, and should be replaced by a game's rating once it has been assigned.
An X rating is a rating used in various countries to classify films that have content deemed suitable only for adults. It is used when the violent or sexual content of a film is considered to be potentially disturbing to general audiences.
Because the X rating was not trademarked, anybody could apply it to their films, including pornographers, as many began to do in the 1970s. As pornography began to become more popular and more legally and commercially tolerated, pornographers placed an X rating on their films to emphasize the adult content. Some even started using multiple X's (i.e. XX, XXX, etc.) to give the impression that their film contained more graphic sexual content than the simple X rating. In some cases, the X ratings were applied by reviewers or film scholars, e.g. William Rotsler, who wrote "The XXX-rating is for hardcore, the XX-rating is for softcore, and an X-rating is for comparatively cool films."[5] Nothing beyond the simple X rating has ever been officially recognized by the MPAA. Because of the heavy use of the X rating by pornographers, it became associated largely with pornographic films, so that non-pornographic films given an X rating would have fewer theaters willing to book them and fewer venues for advertising. Many newspapers refused to advertise X-rated films. This led to a number of films being released unrated sometimes with a warning that the film contained content for adults only. In response, the MPAA eventually agreed in 1990 to a new NC-17 rating that would be trademarked, and could only be applied by the MPAA itself. By trademarking the rating, the MPAA committed to defending an NC-17 film charged with violating obscenity laws.
Hald GM, Kuyper L, Adam PCG, Wit JBF de. Does viewing explain doing? Assessing the association between sexually explicit materials use and sexual behaviors in a large sample of Dutch adolescents and young adults. J Sex Med. 2013;10(12):2986-2995. doi:10.1111/jsm.12157
WARNING! This site contains sexually explicit, adult material and is for adults only! By entering this site, youcertify that you are 18 years or older and, if required in the locality where you view this site, 21 years or older,that you have voluntarily come to this site in order to view sexually explicit material. To leave this website, CLICK HERE
By proceeding any further to this adult website, you agree to the following terms and conditions. You certify that you are 18 year of age or older, and are not offended by sexually explicit imagery. You agree that you will not permit any person(s) under 18 years of age to have access to any of the materials contained within this site. By clicking on the "Enter" button, and by entering this website you agree with all the above and certify under penalty of perjury that you are an adult.We only use functional cookies for the basic functionality and proper display of our websites: AcceptWe use cookies to obtain information about usage of our websites via Google Analytics: Accept
Warning! Only consenting adults age 18 and older (21 and older where 21 is the legal age of consent) are allowed beyond this point. This website, including all webpages, images, links and videos, contain sexually explicit material. If sexually explicit material is offensive to you, if it is illegal to view such material in your community, if you are a minor under the age of 18 (21 where applicable) or if you do not agree with any of the following statements, please leave this site by clicking on the EXIT link. By choosing to enter this site, you are agreeing to the following statements: You are the legal age of consent. (18 years or older or 21 years or older where applicable). You believe that sexually explicit material is not offensive or obscene, and affirm that sexually explicit material is not deemed to be obscene or illegal in the community in which you will view these materials. You further affirm that you wish to view such materials of your own free will. You will only use the material available on this website for your own personal use and will not sell, distribute, give or make available the content on this website to anyone. You will not expose, or allow others to expose minors to the sexually explicit content contained on this website. You will take all appropriate actions to make sure no minor can access the content available on this site. You will take all appropriate steps to make sure no minor has access to view the content available on this site. By entering this website, you acknowledge that you have read this entire agreement, understood it and agree to be bound by it.
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Because of the frank and open discussion of the practice of adult themes, this site is intened for, depicts only, and caters to responsible adults only. If images of nudity and/or adult content offend you, if you are underage, if this subject matter is banned in your locale, or if it is against the law for you to view this material for any reason, please LEAVE NOW.
WARNING The following website, including all webpages, links, images and videos, display sexually explicit material. Only consenting adults are authorized beyond this page. If you are a minor (under the age of 18 years old or 21 years old where 18 isn't the legal age of majority), if sexually explicit material offends you or if it's illegal to view such material in your community, or if you disagree with the following statements in any way, you MUST leave by clicking EXIT below. By ENTERING this site, you irrevocably agree to these statements: You are an adult in your community and are at least 18 years old (21 in those communities where required). You will not expose, or allow others to expose minors to the sexually explicit content contained on this website. You believe that sexually explicit material is not offensive or obscene, and affirm that sexually explicit material is not deemed to be obscene or illegal in the community in which you will view these materials. You further affirm that you wish to view such materials and that no other person has coerced you into doing so. You will use the material available on this website for your own personal use and will not sell, distribute, give or make available the content on this website to anyone. You will take the appropriate steps in order to make sure no minor is able to view the content available on this site. You understand that if you disagree with any of the prior statements, you are not permitted to enter this website and to view its contents. By entering this website, you acknowledge that you have read this agreement, understood it and agree to be bound by it 2ff7e9595c